Celplast bvba

foto voorgevel Celplast

foto subkaderThe company Celplast

Celplast was founded in 1958 by the family Depotter-Solie.

Celplast produces flexible packaging for food and non food industries. In 2011 Celplast moved, because expansion and renewal plans for a new location. Located between the exit R4-Melle and the E40 Wetteren, along the Brusselsesteenweg, Celplast has a very wide range.

In establishing Celplast was used cellophane (transparent cellulose), PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene).

Over the years Celplast evolved along with the new materials by use of LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene), HDPE (High Density Polyethylene), CPP (Cast Polypropylene) and blends with the addition of LLDPE (Linear low density polyethylene) and MC (Metaloceen).

We also evolved from mono - to coëxtrusionfilms.

Celplast offers a wide range of small to large bags.

Some pictures of our new building:

Voorgevel CelplastLuchtfoto Celplast